Saturday, August 2, 2014

I tried...but enough is enough

I tried over and over again to lose the weight, but it kept creeping back up on me.  I am now officially 303.8 and ready for my struggle with weight to be over.  I have applied to Georgetown Community Hospital to have Bariatric Surgery.  I am so excited to announce that I completed my paperwork (all 37 pages of it) and have sent it in the center.  My BFF is attending the informational session with me on Monday night and then after that they can get to work on my paperwork.  Words can't express how I feel right not.  I am really excited, a little nervous and extremely hopeful.  I have opted to talk to the surgeon about the Gastric Sleeve, it is less complex than the Gastric Bypass.  With the sleeve they take out 85% of your stomach, but there is no re-routing of your intestines, whch means you don't have the vitamin and mineral defiencies that you would have in the bypass.  I have researched this a lot and am confident this is what I want to do.  I have spoken with some of my family (my husband and mother-in-law) and they are very supportive.  My mother-in-law is a CRNA and she knows people at the facility which makes her feel better. 

I like to be organized so I have made a binder with the weight loss surgery manual and also a copy of my application and any email correspondance from the center.  It makes me feel in control, I dislike very much when things are out of control.

I am currently working to pass my Registered Dietitian's exam (yes I will be an RD and yes that is real weight up there).  But I know I won't feel confident enough about myself to apply for any jobs until I lose the weight.  I decided late into college to be an RD and mostly because I had issues with food and thought if I learn everything there is to know about food, I will never have to worry about my weight again (boy was I wrong).  I was a little overweight in college maybe 10-20 pounds and I of course then I thought I was enormous, what I wouldn't give to weigh that now. 

The people I have talked to at the Georgetown Bariatric Center have all been very helpful and extremely supportive.  I don't know exactly how long this process will take, but I am excited to take you on this journey with me. 

All I ask of those reading my blog is that you leave no negative comments concerning my current weight and the fact that I am going to be a Registered Dietitian.  Any comments concerning the surgery or outcomes are completely welcome.

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