Monday, December 10, 2012

A Fresh Start...

Like most people this isn't my first rodeo when it comes to losing weight, but it is the first time I feel like I can truly succeed.  Why you might ask;  it is because God is on my side and my family and friends are here to support me.  I am so excited to learn more about the Weight Watchers 360 program, from what I understand it actually deals with some of the reasons we eat or crave certain foods.  Well Weight Watchers I think you may have  finally hit the nail on the head with this plan.  For most people who  need to lose weight or have issues with food we don't just eat because we are hungry we eat because  we have emotions or memories tied to certain foods or places!  I know that I eat when I am bored or when I am nervous or even when I am happy and celebrating.  My main issue I feel is that I have what my doctor believes to be Night Eating Syndrome, which basically means you consume about half of your calories from dinner on,  it can also mean that you wake up and sleep eat (you get up and eat during the night and you don't even know that you are doing it).  It makes it so difficult to lose or even maintain weight whenever this is going on.  They don't have an exact cause for why this happens, but I know for me it started when I started in college when I was under a large amount of stress.  Stress may be the cause, but because I am always under so much stress that it never gets any better.  Anyway I am going to figure this out because I want to lose weight and want to be healthy.  My family doctor is trying to help me out with this issue.  

Hope you all have a blessed night and until next time....